

Sunday, January 6, 2008


You know, ive just realized by spending nearly 2 hrs at a bus stop alone at 1ish in the morning can make you think abt a whole lot of stuffs?
From family to friends to lovers to school to EVERYTHINGGG.
Which in fact, kinda sucked cause youve smoked 3 sticks and you feel ubberly thirsty yet you cant get water cause youre afraid you might miss the bus. And then you get his semi drunk chinese girl with an amercian accent talking to you on how singapore boys are horrible and she wished she wasnt attached to one currently now. (and because of her, i missed my first bus.) and then 2 of her friends came along and joined us at the 'bus stop gathering', 2 really hot boys who are obviously eurasians and thank god they are not semi drunk like her. So we just started entertaining her back with her logics abt how foreign boys are always better than the singapore boys. (no comments.)
And did i add that i nearly got dragged by her to st james from zouk just because she finds my eyelashes amazingly long and she started calling me Ms Pretty Eyelashes. HAHAHA. Of course i gave some lame excuses that i had to rush home to finish a school project which was due like tmr when its is definitely *coughs* BULLSH*T *coughs*.
And yes. i felt pathetic and depressed all at the same time during that 2 hrs.
So pleaseeee, dont try this people. it automatically puts you into depressive mode by spending more than an hour at an area by yourself. Do not say youve not be warned.